A Day In The Life

It’s the last day of school before the week-long Thanksgiving break and I’ve been awake on and off since 3am (thanks perimenopause!) – hit my fasting timer at about 5pm yesterday, I woke up feeling hungry as usual (yes, still even after 3 years of this lifestyle – this happens every day around hours 12 and 16 of my fast). Brewed a hot cup of black coffee and got going with lunches and waking up the family, trying to get everyone ready in time – which is a workout alone sometimes!

Got the kids bundled up on this “cold” Florida winter morning (it’s 50 degrees and that mine as well be snowing to these kids). School drop-off at 8am, then off to my hot sauna workout at about 15 hours fasted. 30 minutes of Isometric, infrared sauna workout at 125 degrees is no joke. I am just about 3 weeks into this routine now and I am loving the results and FEELING I have. It is, however, getting more difficult to push through the last hour or so of my fasts lately which I can only attribute to the added exercise. Before these sauna workouts, walking was my only option because I decided to literally fall on my ass when I was 22, break my tailbone, and not do a thing about it until I’m 40 and close to needing spinal surgery – but I digress. Zero-impact workouts are my only option, but I felt walking alone was not quite doing it for me anymore and I needed to add strength training.


The fact that I get to do all this in a hot sauna is just icing on the cake…I LOVE heat now that I’m not carrying an extra 50lbs. Today I did the hot bands class which is one of my favorites. 30 minutes of that and I was covered in sweat – just the way I like it…tomato-faced euphoria. When I returned home, showered, and got dressed (I just MAJORLY detoxed my body so it’s super important to shower and wash it all off right away!) – it is all hands on deck cleaning up the breakfast mess, starting laundry, and doing dishes…I know, glamorous right??? I start white-knuckling around 17.5 hours which is not the norm for me – remember, I added a LOT more exercise – so I fill my cup with water and use a bit of pink salt…much better. I get on my computer to do some work and by the time I know it – I made my goal of 18 hours! Prepped some Dave’s Killer Bread toast and smashed up my favorite – avocado! I also had some leftover shrimp, bacon, and onion mix from dinner last night so I tossed that on top of the avocado toast for added protein and flavor. I made two pieces but around ¾ of the way through the second piece, I was full.

I sighed (that’s your body telling you that is time!) and just left the rest on the plate. These days I refuse to finish food just because I don’t want to waste anything. Wasted food is not great but
neither is stuffing myself until I feel gross. You tend to learn your limits on portions after you adjust. Moving into the weekend, I will loosen up my windows to enjoy time with my family. Don’t feel guilty about moving your windows around for holidays and special occasions. That’s LIFE.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Fast on, friends.

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