Fasting Through the Holidays

How in the heck is it DECEMBER already?! This is always a hectic time of year in our house, the holiday events, school events, sicknesses…not to mention preparing for the holidays – shopping, planning trips, etc. It all can be a bit much and I feel like every year we put so much pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect (I am sure a LOT of parents out there can relate) that we miss the true meaning of this time.

Over the last month, I’ve been taking steps to improve my overall strength. When I lost 50 lbs over 2 years ago, I never got the chance to get strong. I’ll make a VERY long story short: In April 2021, my back went out (which it can do from time to time since I broke my tailbone when I was 21 – that’s a whole other story on it’s own!) so I had to take time to heal and the only exercise I was able to do was walk. So I walked for over a year. I got stronger and more confident through walking but also Physical Therapy and acupuncture. By the end of October, I felt it was time to do something more – which is when I joined a gym – well, sort of…it’s a 125-degree infrared sauna where you do 15 or 30 min isometric workouts. I have been EXTREMELY dedicated, working out about 5-6 days a week. After over a month, I was sure the scale would at least be the same, yet it had gone UP – 5lbs! For a moment my old diet brain crept in and I was like WHAT THE HELL?? Then I realized muscle weighs more than fat and the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. My body is absolutely changing…my waist is getting trimmer and I see real muscle definition!! I feel strong in my body but also in my mind. Getting stronger is something I have a long way to go but I cannot wait to share my journey with you.

Today we have another 2 weeks until the kids are on break so my original plan was to do back-to-back cycle classes this morning then an appointment at 10am which will pretty much eat up my day. I also have a lingering headache so last minute this morning I asked my husband to take the kids to school and canceled my classes for today. I needed a break. It was what my body was asking for so I listened. I tuned into one of my favorite podcasts and relaxed in the peace and quiet. It was not me at all…I usually have a million things done by noon. Today is just not that day…I gave myself permission to pause, and you should too.

I want each of you to tune in carefully to what your body needs always but especially during this time of year and give yourself permission to slow the hell down. If you need to extend a fast due to a stressful situation, do it. If you need to shorten a fast, do it. If you need to take a freaking nap, do it. Take care of YOU and have a wonderful holiday!

Fast on, friends.

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