Fat Burning Super Power

Spring has sprung and although it is a symbol of growth, change and new beginnings – we often don’t talk about the stress of going through these changes of life.  Any major life change – whether it’s a move, a change of job, a new child or death in the family…these are all life altering adjustments that take a toll on our cortisol.   While in the thick of these changes it’s important to take care of your health first and what better way to do that than sticking with your intermittent fasting lifestyle.  Fasting while under added life stress can either be great (or not so great), depending on YOU.  Some of us tend to turn to food under stressful situations while others find fasting to be a blessing.

For myself, fasting is a blessing during stressful times.  Even before I adapted this lifestyle, my appetite would virtually disappear when under added stress but I would force feed myself, then end up with an upset stomach which is pretty miserable…why?  Because I was taught if you don’t eat, your metabolism will tank.  Now that I understand IF, this is FAR from true.  In fact, when added stress comes in my life now – I use it.  Added autophagy?  Yes, please!  Autophagy – our fat-burning superpower-  lies within each of us…and with consistent clean fasting, you tap into this superpower every single day!  How amazing is that??

On the other side of the coin, if added stress is causing you to have physical symptoms of hunger – shakiness/dizziness/nausea – then PLEASE listen and break if you need to. Remember, every clean fast counts!!  Sudden, rapid releases of cortisol can actually cause your body to release insulin and break your fast without eating a thing!  If this happens, break immediately.  Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to pick up and keep going.

For those going through a rough time, I see you.  I hear you.  I am you.  Life is full of ups and downs but IF keeps me grounded and I hope whoever is reading this who may be in the same boat can take comfort in their fasts as much as I do.

Fast on, friends.

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